Inside the Trenches of the Principal: Week 19

It was a short week because of Thanksgiving break, so in the spirit of the season, I want to share a few things that I am thankful for this year:

– I am thankful for my family that is supportive of this new role I have taken on. I am also thankful for my amazing babysitters who we could not do this without!

– I am thankful for being given an opportunity by Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools to be a principal. They are taking a chance on a guy with an untraditional path and giving him support to rethink what education can look like in public school.

– I am thankful for my staff and students at Moore, who have made these first few months so much fun.

– I am thankful for having the opportunity to publish a second book under Dave Burgess, co-written with my buddy Abe.

– I am thankful for my fellow principal PLN, who I call upon frequently to ask questions, advice, and brainstorm with!

– I am thankful for opportunities to still present around the country. I am not able to do what I once did now, but I appreciate the chance to still go out and share ideas with fellow educators!

– I am thankful for another year of good health. (knock on wood!)

– I am thankful that this blog has given me a chance to reflect and document this journey as a first year principal; it’s been a lot of fun writing it each week.

A quick public service announcement to wrap up: This Friday is the Moore Amazing Shake! To say that I’m excited about it would be an understatement! We’re going to be posting lots of pictures and videos (maybe even go LIVE as well), so check out our Twitter (@MooreMagnetES and @adamdovico) and Facebook pages to follow along! 

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