Inside the Trenches of the Principal: Week 12

I’ll be honest, I had a number of arduous moments this past week. People are frequently saying to me these days how much fun it looks like we’re having at Moore. Don’t get me wrong, we are having fun. And I am proud to share the pictures and videos of the amazing things we’re doing. The fun moments also outweigh the heavy ones, but it’s the tough moments that tend to sit heavier on your shoulders.

This week brought many crucial conversations with parents, students, staff, teachers, and even myself! The conversations ran the gamut of topics, but I found myself sitting in my office at the end of the day feeling discouraged at what I was not doing right, rather than remembering the things that I did do right.

So let me take a moment to reflect upon great moments this week:

– My AP and I managed to get all of our PDP meetings complete and in on time
– I began my formal observations and completed 6 this week
– There were more students wearing bow-ties on Tuesday and I think it’s going to keep on growing
– We had a fantastic turnout at the Chuck E Cheese fundraiser 
– Got to begin planning a brand new workshop with two of my former Wake Forest students
– Had lunch with a buddy
– More students got to sign my wall for Awesome Office Visits
– Got to celebrate my son Ryder’s 6th birthday
– Learned A-F in sign language
– Rolled out two new schoolwide practices for instruction that were introduced to staff and then modeled to students
– Wore a fantastically tacky jacket on Friday just got the heck of it

I am currently in a hotel room in Chicago preparing for the Get Your Teach On Conference tomorrow and Tuesday. I have four of my teachers with me, who I am excited to have bring back new strategies to the school. Today also happened to be the Chicago Marathon, which was somewhat symbolic to what I’ve been thinking about recently. This year truly is a marathon. It’s a long school year and I am enjoying finding strategic moments to insert feedback, initiatives, and changes to Moore. There’s definitely been a few missteps, but the good thing about a marathon is that you have 26 miles (or 8 months in my case) to make up a stumble.

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