Inside the Trenches of the Prinicpal: Week 14

This will be a short post this week. Unfortunately, my friends and I were burglarized last night in Atlanta and all of our belongings were stolen from the house, including my laptop, so I’m typing this from my phone.

Anyway, I jokingly deemed this past week with my staff as “survey week.” Using Google Forms, I sent a series of surveys to my staff, ranging from what movie the kids wanted for PTA movie night all the way to a 1st quarter check-in, which I used questions from the North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey to draw thoughts from my staff on how we’re doing this year. I never understood why you would wait until the end of the year to see how we did this year, so I’ll be checking in periodically with my staff throughout the year. I will also be creating a parent survey to gauge parent input. I am hopeful that from these results we can make changes along the way that will benefit the staff and students. I’ve tried to lead this year with the mindset of we’re able to examine any topic in the school and make changes as necessary. Hopefully over the next couple of weeks I’ll be able to share a few of the changes we made based on staff and parent feedback. 

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