One Chip
Math has always been my strength. I understand concepts and catch onto new ones quickly. It could be baffling, then, that my favorite game when I am in Las Vegas is roulette. For those unfamiliar, roulette involves a wheel with…
Limited dates remaining for summer keynotes and professional development! Contact me now to book your date!
Math has always been my strength. I understand concepts and catch onto new ones quickly. It could be baffling, then, that my favorite game when I am in Las Vegas is roulette. For those unfamiliar, roulette involves a wheel with…
The days of being an elementary school student, walking into class in the morning, completing a worksheet silently, and pulling out a book to read when you’re done are over. Wait. No they’re not. This age old practice continues in…
Embedded into our society and schools today is an expectation to prepare students for “college and career.” It can be seen in the standards that are taught and in the legislation that is passed. For a long time, the concept…
The weather is warming up, the children (and teachers) are getting antsy for summer break, and you hear the request “Let’s have class outside!” Early in my teaching career, I would have brought outside what we were doing in the…
North Carolina has had a long-standing debate with our friends in Ohio on which state should be “first in flight.” After all, the Wright Brothers were born in Dayton, but took their first whirl with an airplane at Kill Devil…
I had the pleasure of returning to my old stomping ground, the Ron Clark Academy, this past week to help with the National Educators’ Conference. Almost 500 educators from around the world came together to take part in the magic,…
It’s that time of the year. Countdown calendars are posted on classroom doors, summer camp sign-ups are underway, and testing season is complete! But wait, that countdown on the door still says 10 days! There is no way we can…
I took on a new role this week. After twelve years of being the classroom teacher, a math/science facilitator, professional development trainer, and college professor, this week I was Mr. Dovico, Substitute Teacher. One of my closest friends is a…
Shout out to Dr. Geoff Price for showing his students and me this really neat app for Apple products called Green Screen by Do Ink for just $2.99. Used on the iPad, this program allows you to insert your own…
I admit, I am a harsh critic when it comes to teaching. I am quick to find holes in pedagogy and engagement; skeptical when I hear about the best teacher in the school from the administrator. To be fair, I…
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